Thursday, May 15, 2008


The first toy I remember having was a yellow wooden duck-on-wheels, with a happy-orange beak and with three (or maybe four) little ducklings attached to it by links. It was a pull-along toy with a string attached, and I have a vivid mental picture of a curly-haired child roly-poly-toddling, pulling along a waddling clack-clacketing mother duck, her ducklings frantically following.

Apparently I was so fond of the duck that I would insist on having it with me when I was bathed in my orange plastic tub. Not being a real duck, the toy did not survive the daily duckings in the soapy water. The links dismantled, separating my little duck family, and the bereaved-bedraggled ducks were relegated to the box-of-broken-toys.

Many years later, when I was an inquisitive eight-or-nine-year-old, on being told of my fascination for this toy, I hunted around the house and found two sorry-looking ducklings, bereft of their mother, their siblings and their bright yellow paint.

To atone for my childhood duck-misdemeanor, I tried to find a similar toy for my daughters, mentally promising to take better care of the duck-family. I couldn’t find a replica, though I did find a rubber mother duck with four ducklings nestled on its broad back. Sadly, my daughters did not share my childhood fascination for ducks (preferring four-legged creatures) and the rubber toy, almost as good as new, lies (family intact) in the box-of-unused-toys. Somehow, I don’t have the heart to part with it.



Aleta said...

I remember a teddy bear I used to have. He was a light brown in color, small, with black button eyes. I kept him for the longest time, even when the seam along the side came out and stuffing started to fall, even when one of his eyes popped off. Loved that Teddy Bear.... I think my parents still have him in the attic somewhere.

Deepa said...

My first toy was my doll SUZIE. My mother says I got it as a present 5days after I was born. Suzie was my "precious toy" at fist and then I upgraded her to "pretend daughter" status.

She had blonde hair (matted from the frequent oil massages and shampoos i gave her!) and blue eyes (lined with black/blue/green markings from my father's permanant markers. This was my idea of eye make up!) I loved Suzie so much that she also got disciplined for unruly behaviour on a regular basis!

I still have her tucked away in a cupboard with some of my other precious toys. She is missing a leg and her clothes are in tatters now but she still reigns queen among my broken, old, precious toys.

Sayani said...

my first toy was a cute little doll with a battering eyes ...i remembered i fought and nearly thrashed a friend of mine who had my doll's hair cut :( i cud never forgive her and neither forget my first doll....

so nostalgic and fascinating post ...

Unknown said...

I would say 'Hang on to the ducks you brought for your daughters'. It will make for a touching moment some day.

20 years ago in 5th grade, I was stupid enough to reject a cricket bat that was a surprise gift from my dad, as it was not the brand I preferred. It bothers me as an adult. Fortunately my dad saved it and gave it to me 5 years ago. I do not play much cricket these days, but I do take good care of that bat ... :-)


K.C. said...

Mine was Frisky the Frog, made of beans. I loved that frog. I remember telling my brother that Frisky talked to him. Then, I felt so bad that I had to repent to God about it. Then, I had to admit to my brother that I lied and admit that I repented to God about it. I remember that my brother just shrugged off the whole thing and I couldn't understand why.

Oh my lands, what a great memory. Thanks for that one! KC

bha said...

I'm not surprised by your comment about Bush. I made a very good friend from New Delhi while in Germany last year, and he always had jokes and comments about Bush. I was surprised Indians paid that much attention to the guy!

Re this post: can't say about first toys, but a small stuffed dog (Pup) later joined by a small stuffed squirrel girlfriend (Fluffy) lasted a significant portion of my childhood!

Sukku said...

Well I remember my favourite toy was the miniature race cars and cars by mattel(I guess)and I had a nice collection. And after that I wanted to get the battery operated race car with the tracks, in fact I had bought one with the money that I had collected from Diwali, but my parents disagreed with what I had bought with the money and made me exchange that for something useful for the house and I got stacks of photo ablum. Well that had caused a dent in memory.

Jaquanda Rae said...

I remember a big doll I got from my aunt. She could walk and she had a baby that she'd rock while she sang. Yes man, pretty high tech. I'd oil her scalp with my hair oil and soon her hair became green. I learned how to comb hair by combing her hair; I'd canerow (cornrow) it and put clips (barrettes) at the end...
Somehow I became attached to another doll and cast the big one aside. The newer one was a black, newborn baby doll so I loved her more because of affinity. This newborn baby doll was a favourite of my older sis as well...she'd practice breastfeeding with my dolly!!!

lopa said...

I remember you telling me about this duck family story and how your Dad bought it for you.My first toy that I remember was a clown who played brass cymbals when wound up by a large brass key.The clown would sway sideways from his hips and clang the cymbals together and what ruckus it would make!!

Sucharita Sarkar said...

Thanks, everybody, for those lovely toy-land tales.

Sage said...

I still have a toy that I made in Junior School - nicknamed Squiddgel (I couldn't say squirrel apparently) he was a representation of a native red squirrel holding a hazelnut. He was made out of felt and stuffed with kapok and you can see the stitches in his ear (uneven of course - I was only 5 at the time). He travelled the world with me and lives on my shelves today some 45+ years later - still a fortunate friend and one who is tatty and full of precious memories.